About the course
Weekend Batches
Weekday Batches
Cloudruha Trainings Continuous Testing in DevOps training provides you in-depth knowledge on various tools like Git, Jenkins, Maven, and Selenium. The course will teach you how to integrate and build projects through Continuous Integration using Jenkins. You will gain insights on Continuous Development and Continuous Testing of software throughout the development life cycle.
Overview of DevOps
Why DevOps?
What is DevOps?
DevOps market trends
DevOps Engineer skills
DevOps delivery pipeline
DevOps ecosystem
Version Control with Git
What is Version Control?
What is Git?
Why Git for your organization
Install Git
Working with remote repositories
Branching and merging in Git
Git workflows
Git cheat sheet
Implementation of Git in an Cloudruha project
Continuous Integration with Jenkins
What is CI?
Why CI is required?
Introduction to Jenkins (with architecture)
Introduction to Maven
Jenkins management
Building a delivery pipeline
Implementation of Jenkins in an Cloudruha project
Continuous Testing with Selenium
Introduction to Selenium
Why Selenium?
Selenium – Webdriver
Creating test cases in Selenium WebDriver (waits)
What is X-Path and why use it?
Handling different controls on a webpage
Framework in Selenium
Selenium integration with Jenkins
Implementation of Selenium in an Cloudruha project