About the course
Python is a premier, flexible, and powerful open-source language that is easy to learn, easy to use, and has powerful libraries for data manipulation and analysis. For over a decade, Python has been used in scientific computing and highly quantitative domains such as Finance, Oil and Gas, Physics, and Signal Processing. Today, it is the most preferred language for Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Web Development, and Big Data.
Cloudruha’s Python Developer Master’s program will help you become an expert in Python and opens a career opportunity in various domains such as Machine Learning, Data Science, Big Data, Web Development.
1. Python Programming Certification Course
2. Machine Learning Certification Training using Python
3. Natural Language Processing with Python Certification Course
4. Python Spark Certification Training using PySpark
5. Python Django Training and Certification
6. Python Statistics for Data Science Course
7. Python Scripting Certification Training
Python Programming Certification Course
The Python Programming for beginners covers basic and advanced Python concepts, such as writing Python scripts, sequence and file operations, object-oriented concepts, and web scraping. During this journey, you will learn many essential and widely used Python libraries, such as pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib.
Module 1: Introduction to Python
Need for Programming
Advantages of Programming
Overview of Python
Organizations using Python
Python Applications in Various Domains
Python Installation
Operands and Expressions
Conditional Statements
Command Line Arguments
Module 2 – Sequences and File Operations
Method of Accepting User Input and eval Function
Python - Files Input/Output Functions
Lists and Related Operations
Tuples and Related Operations
Strings and Related Operations
Sets and Related Operations
Dictionaries and Related Operations
Module 3 – Deep Dive – Functions and OOPs
User-Defined Functions
Concept of Return Statement
Concept of __name__=” __main__”
Function Parameters
Different Types of Arguments
Global Variables
Global Keyword
Variable Scope and Returning Values
Lambda Functions
Various Built-In Functions
Introduction to Object-Oriented Concepts
Built-In Class Attributes
Public, Protected and Private Attributes, and Methods
Class Variable and Instance Variable
Constructor and Destructor
Decorator in Python
Core Object-Oriented Principles
Inheritance and Its Types
Method Resolution Order
Getter and Setter Methods
Inheritance-In-Class Case Study
Module 4 – Working with Modules and Handling Exceptions
Standard Libraries
Packages and Import Statements
Reload Function
Important Modules in Python
Sys Module
Os Module
Math Module
Date-Time Module
Random Module
JSON Module
Regular Expression
Exception Handling
Module 5 – Introduction to NumPy
Basics of Data Analysis
NumPy - Arrays
Operations on Arrays
Indexing Slicing and Iterating
NumPy Array Attributes
Matrix Product
NumPy Functions
Array Manipulation
File Handling Using NumPy
Module 6 – Data Manipulation using pandas
Introduction to pandas
Data structures in pandas
Data Frames
Importing and Exporting Files in Python
Basic Functionalities of a Data Object
Merging of Data Objects
Concatenation of Data Objects
Types of Joins on Data Objects
Data Cleaning using pandas
Exploring Datasets
Module 7 – Data Visualization using Matplotlib
Why Data Visualization?
Matplotlib Library
Line Plots
Multiline Plots
Bar Plot
Pie Chart
Scatter Plot
Saving Charts
Customizing Visualizations
Saving Plots
Module 8 – GUI Programming
Ipywidgets Package
Numeric Widgets
Boolean Widgets
Selection Widgets
String Widgets
Date Picker
Color Picker
Container Widgets
Creating a GUI Application
Developing Web Maps and Representing information using Plots(Self-paced)
Use of Folium Library
Use of Pandas Library
Flow Chart of Web Map Application
Developing Web Map Using Folium and Pandas
Reading Information from Titanic Dataset and Represent It Using Plots
Computer Vision using OpenCV and Visualization using Bokeh(Self-paced)
Use of Folium Library
Use of Pandas Library
Flow Chart of Web Map Application
Developing Web Map Using Folium and Pandas
Reading Information from Titanic Dataset and Represent It Using Plots
Computer Vision using OpenCV and Visualization using Bokeh(Self-paced)
Beautiful Soup Library
Requests Library
Scrap All Hyperlinks from a Webpage Using Beautiful Soup and Requests
Plotting Charts Using Bokeh
Plotting Scatterplots Using Bokeh
Image Editing Using OpenCV
Face Detection Using OpenCV
Motion Detection and Capturing Video
Machine Learning Certification Training using Python
This Python Data Science course is designed to make you grab the concepts of Machine Learning. The course will provide a deep understanding of Machine Learning and its mechanism. As a Data Scientist, you will be learning the importance of Machine Learning and its implementation in the python programming language. Furthermore, you will be taught of Reinforcement Learning, which in turn is an important aspect of Artificial Intelligence. You will be able to automate real-life scenarios using Machine Learning Algorithms. Towards the end of the course, we will be discussing various practical use cases of Machine Learning in a python programming language to enhance your learning experience.
Module 1: Introduction to Data Science
What is Data Science?
History of Data Science
Importance of Data Scientist in Industry
Applications of Data Science
How Data Science Works?
Data Science Life Cycle
Data Science Toolkit
Job Opportunities
Why Python for Data Science?
Module 2 – Data Extraction, wrangling, and visualization
What is Data Cleaning
Why is Data Cleaning is required?
Data Cleaning
Missing Values
Noisy Data
Inconsistent Data
Other Pre-processing Methods
Data Integration
Data Transformation
Data Reduction
What is Web Scraping?
Do Data Scientists need Web Scraping?
Best Practises for Web Scraping
Python Web Scraping modules
Beautiful Soup
Scrapy vs. Beautiful Soup
Requests & Responses
Creating a basic Spider
Scrapy shell commands
Scrapy selector
Scrapy Items & Item Loader
Module 3: Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
Python Revision (NumPy, Pandas, sci-kit learn, matplotlib)
What is Machine Learning?
Machine Learning Use-Cases
Machine Learning Process Flow
Machine Learning Categories
Linear regression
Gradient descent
Module 4: Supervised Learning – I
What are classification and its use cases?
What is Decision Tree?
Algorithm for Decision Tree Induction
Creating a Perfect Decision Tree
Confusion Matrix
What is a Random Forest?
Module 5: Dimensionality Reduction
Introduction to Dimensionality
Why Dimensionality Reduction
Factor Analysis
Scaling dimensional model
Module 6: Supervised Learning – II
What is Naïve Bayes?
How Naïve Bayes works?
Implementing Naïve Bayes Classifier
What is Support Vector Machine?
Illustrate how Support Vector Machine works?
Hyperparameter optimization
Grid Search vs. Random Search
Implementation of Support Vector Machine for Classification
Module 7: Unsupervised Learning
What is Clustering & its Use Cases?
What is K-means Clustering?
How does the K-means algorithm work?
How to do optimal Clustering
What is C-means Clustering?
What is Hierarchical Clustering?
How Hierarchical Clustering works?
Module 8: Association Rules Mining and Recommendation Systems
What are Association Rules?
Association Rule Parameters
Calculating Association Rule Parameters
Recommendation Engines
How do Recommendation Engines work?
Collaborative Filtering
Content-Based Filtering
Module 9: Reinforcement Learning
What is Reinforcement Learning
Why Reinforcement Learning
Elements of Reinforcement Learning
Exploration vs. Exploitation dilemma
Epsilon Greedy Algorithm
Markov Decision Process (MDP)
Q values and V values
Q – Learning
α values
Module 10: Time Series Analysis
What is Time Series Analysis?
Importance of TSA
Components of TSA
White Noise
AR model
MA model
ARMA model
ARIMA model
Module 11: Model Selection and Boosting
What is the Model Selection?
The Need for Model Selection
What is Boosting?
How Boosting Algorithms work?
Types of Boosting Algorithms
Gradient Boosting
The Generalization of AdaBoost as Gradient Boosting
Module 12: Hands-On Project
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
How to approach a project
Hands-On project implementation
What industry expects
Industry insights for the Machine Learning domain
QA and Doubt Clearing Session
Natural Language processing with Python Certification Course
This Python NLP course is for anyone who works with data and text– with good analytical background and little exposure to Python Programming Language. It is designed to help you understand the critical concepts and techniques used in Natural Language Processing using Python Programming Language. You will be able to build your own machine learning model for text classification. Towards the end of the course, we will be discussing various practical use cases of NLP in the python programming language to enhance your learning experience.
Module 1: Introduction to Text Mining and NLP
Overview of Text Mining
Need of Text Mining
Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Text Mining
Applications of Text Mining
OS Module
Reading, Writing to text and word files
Setting the NLTK Environment
Accessing the NLTK Corpora
Module 2: Extracting, Cleaning and Pre-processing Text
Frequency Distribution
Different Types of Tokenizers
Bigrams, Trigrams & Ngrams
POS Tagging
Named Entity Recognition
Module 3: Analyzing Sentence Structure
Syntax Trees
Context Free Grammars (CFG)
Automating Text Paraphrasing
Module 4: Text Classification – I
Machine Learning: Brush Up
Bag of Words
Count Vectorizer
Term Frequency (TF)
Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)
Module 5: Text Classification – II
Converting text to features and labels
Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier
Leveraging Confusion Matrix
Python Spark Certification Training using PySpark
This Python for Big Data (PySpark) course is designed to provide knowledge and skills to become a successful Spark Developer using Python. You will get an in-depth understanding of concepts such as Hadoop Distributed File System, Hadoop Cluster, Hadoop 2.x, Flume, Sqoop by taking this course
You will understand how Spark enables in-memory data processing and runs much faster than Hadoop MapReduce. You will learn about RDDs, different APIs, and libraries, which Spark offers, such as Spark Streaming, MLlib, and Spark SQL. It also includes the fundamental concepts of the Kafka cluster and different Kafka APIs. This PySpark Developer course is an integral part of a Big Data Developer's Career path.
Module 1 - Introduction to Big Data Hadoop and Spark
What is Big Data
Big Data Customer Scenarios
Limitations and Solutions of Existing Data Analytics Architecture with Uber Use Case
How Hadoop Solves the Big Data Problem
What is Hadoop
Hadoop’s Key Characteristics
Hadoop Ecosystem and HDFS
Hadoop Core Components
Rack Awareness and Block Replication
YARN and Its Advantage
Hadoop Cluster and Its Architecture
Hadoop: Different Cluster Modes
Big Data Analytics with Batch & Real-Time Processing
Module 2 - Introduction to Python for Apache Spark
Overview of Python
Different Applications where Python is Used
Values, Types, Variables
Operands and Expressions
Conditional Statements
Command Line Arguments
Writing to the Screen
Python files I/O Functions
Strings and related operations
Tuples and related operations
Lists and related operations
Dictionaries and related operations
Sets and related operations
Module 3 - Functions, OOPs, Modules in Python
Function Parameters
Global Variables
Variable Scope and Returning Values
Lambda Functions
Object-Oriented Concepts
Standard Libraries
Modules Used in Python
The Import Statements
Module Search Path
Package Installation Ways
Errors and Exception Handling
Handling Multiple Exceptions
Module 4 – Deep Dive into Apache Spark Framework
Spark Components & It’s Architecture
Introduction to PySpark Shell
Submitting PySpark Job
Spark Web UI
You are writing your first PySpark Job Using Jupyter Notebook.
Data Ingestion using Sqoop
Module 5 - Playing with Spark RDDs
Challenges in Existing Computing Methods
Probable Solution & How RDD Solves the Problem
What is RDD, It’s Operations, Transformations & Actions?
Data Loading and Saving Through RDDs
Key-Value Pair RDDs
Other Pair RDDs, Two Pair RDDs
RDD Lineage
RDD Persistence
Word Count Program Using RDD Concepts
RDD Partitioning & How It Helps Achieve Parallelization
Module 6 – Data Frames and Spark SQL
Need for Spark SQL
What is Spark SQL?
Spark SQL Architecture
SQL Context in Spark SQL
Data Frames & Datasets
Interoperating with RDDs
JSON and Parquet File Formats
Loading Data through Different Sources
Module 7 – Machine Learning using Spark MLlib
Why Machine Learning?
What is Machine Learning?
Where is Machine Learning Used?
Face Detection: USE CASE
Different Types of Machine Learning Techniques
Introduction to MLlib
Features of MLlib and MLlib Tools
Various ML algorithms supported by MLlib
Module 8 – Deep Dive into Spark MLlib
Supervised Learning
Linear Regression
Logistic Regression
Decision Tree
Random Forest
Unsupervised Learning
K-Means Clustering & How It Works with MLlib
Analysis of US Election Data using MLlib (K-Means)
Module 9 - Understanding Apache Kafka and Apache Flume
Need for Kafka
What is Kafka?
Core Concepts of Kafka
Kafka Architecture
Where is Kafka Used?
Understanding the Components of Kafka Cluster
Configuring Kafka Cluster
Kafka Producer and Consumer Java API
The need for Apache Flume
What is Apache Flume?
Basic Flume Architecture
Flume Sources
Flume Sinks
Flume Channels
Flume Configuration
Integrating Apache Flume and Apache Kafka
Module 10 - Apache Spark Streaming - Processing Multiple Batches
Drawbacks in Existing Computing Methods
Why is Streaming Necessary?
What is Spark Streaming?
Spark Streaming Features
Spark Streaming Workflow
How Uber Uses Streaming Data
Streaming Context & DStreams
Transformations on DStreams
Describe Windowed Operators and Why it is Useful
Important Windowed Operators
Slice, Window and ReduceByWindow Operators
Stateful Operators
Module 11 - Apache Spark Streaming – Data Sources
Apache Spark Streaming: Data Sources
Streaming Data Source Overview
Apache Flume and Apache Kafka Data Sources
Example: Using a Kafka Direct Data Source
Perform Twitter Sentimental Analysis Using Spark Streaming
Module 12 – Implementing an End-to-End Project
Introduction to Spark GraphX
Information about a Graph
GraphX Basic APIs and Operations
Spark GraphX Algorithm
Personalized PageRank
Triangle Count
Shortest Paths
Connected Components
Strongly Connected Components
Label Propagation
• Examples:
The Traveling Salesman problem
Minimum Spanning Trees
Python Django Training and Certification
This Python for Web Development (Django) course is designed to train the Python Language participants to become a Python developer and use the Django web framework. This course will cover both basics and advanced concepts of like writing Python scripts, file operations in Python, working with Databases, creating Views, Templates, and REST APIs in Django.
The Python with Django Training is intended to make the learner an expert in Python programming. The learner will be able to write python code for some real problems, learn to use Python to communicates with databases, code for backends of websites, and parse data.
Module-1: Introduction to Python
Get an overview of Python
Learn about Interpreted Languages
List the Advantages/Disadvantages of Python
Explore Pydoc
Start Python
Discuss Interpreter PATH
Use the Interpreter
Run a Python Script
Discuss Python Scripts on UNIX/Windows
Explore Python Editors and IDEs
Use Variables, Keywords, Built-in Functions, Strings, Different literals, Math operators and expressions, Writing to the screen, String formatting, Command line parameters and Flow Control.
Module-2: Sequences and File Operations
Indexing and Slicing
Iterating through a sequence
Functions for all sequences
Using enumerate ()
Operators and keywords for sequences
The xrange () function
List comprehensions
Generator expressions
Dictionaries and sets.
Working with files
Modes of opening a file
File attributes
File methods
Module-3: Deep Dive – Functions, Sorting, Errors and Exception, Regular Expressions and Packages
Function Parameters
Global variables
Variable scope and Returning Values
Alternate Keys
Lambda Functions
Sorting collections of collections
Sorting dictionaries
Sorting lists in place
Errors and Exception Handling
Handling multiple exceptions
The standard exception hierarchy using Modules
The Import statement
Module search path
Package installation ways Module Aliases and Regular Expressions
Module-4: Object Oriented Programming in Python
The sys Module
Interpreter information
Launching external programs
Directories and filenames
Walking directory trees
Math Function
Random Numbers
Dates and Times
Zipped Archives
Introduction to Python Classes
Defining Classes
Instance methods
Class methods and data
Static methods
Private methods and Inheritance
Module-5: Debugging, Databases and Project Skeletons
Dealing with errors
Using unit tests
Project Skeleton
Required packages
Creating the Skeleton
Project Directory
Final Directory Structure
Testing your set up
Using the skeleton
Creating a database with SQLite 3
CRUD operations
Creating a database object.
Module 6: Introduction to Django web Framework
Web development
Introduction to Django Web Framework
Features of Django
Installing Django
MVC model
HTTP concepts
URL Mapping
Module 7: Django Template Language and Forms
Django Template Language
Utilities of Templates
Creating Template Objects
Tags, Variables and Filters
Rendering Templates
Template Inheritance
Form Handling
Form validation and Error Messages
Form Display
Module 8: Models and Dynamic Webpages
Django Models
Model Fields
Model Inheritance
Primary keys and the model
Dynamic Webpages
Toggle Hidden Content
jQuery and AJAX integration
Module 9: Serialization
Serialization and Deserialization
Django REST Framework
Serializer class
Model Serializers
Module 10: Parsing XML and JSON with Python
XML, parsing object to XML and back
JSON, parsing object to JSON and back
Python Statistics for Data Science Course
This course aims at making the learner familiar with the concepts of Predictive Analytics and Statistics.
It talks about Statistics and its methods, which are the backend of Data Science.
Machine learning employs different techniques and theories drawn from statistical & probabilistic fields. This course takes you through the fundamentals of Probability & Distribution.
The course also enables you to gain knowledge of the essential Statistics algorithms such as Regression Modelling.
In addition, this course provides hands-on experience in implementing these techniques using Python.
Module-1: Understanding the Data
Introduction to Data Types
Numerical parameters to represent data
Information Gain
Statistical parameters to represent data
Module-2: Probability and its uses
Uses of probability
Need of probability
Bayesian Inference
Density Concepts
Normal Distribution Curve
Module-3: Statistical Inference
Point Estimation
Confidence Margin
Hypothesis Testing
Levels of Hypothesis Testing
Module-4: Testing the Data
Parametric Test
Parametric Test Types
Non- Parametric Test
Experimental Designing
A/B testing
Module-5: Data Clustering
Association and Dependence
Causation and Correlation
Simpson’s Paradox
Clustering Techniques
Module-6: Regression Modelling
Logistic and Regression Techniques
Problem of Collinearity
WOE and IV
Residual Analysis
Python Scripting Certification Training
Python Scripting allows programmers to build applications easily and rapidly. This course is an introduction to Python scripting, which focuses on the concepts of Python. It will help you to perform operations on variable types using Pycharm. You will learn the importance of Python in a real-time environment and will be able to develop applications based on Object-Oriented Programming concept. End of this course, you will be able to develop networking applications with suitable GUI
Module 1 – Introduction to Python and Scripting Concepts
Get an overview of Python
The companies using Python Other applications in which Python can be used
Explore Python Frameworks and IDEs
Concept of Scripting
Difference between Scripting language and Programming language
Installation of Python
Module 2 – Introduction to Data types and Conditional Statements
Introduction to Identifiers
What are the different variable types?
Different operators
Conditional statements
Module-3: Deep Dive into Data types
Strings and related operations
Tuples and related operations
Lists and related operations
Dictionaries and related operations
Sets and related operations
Module-4: Functions, OOPs, and Exception Handling
Function Parameters
Global variables
Why Python is called Object-oriented language?
Class and Objects
Variable scope and Returning Values
Python files I/O Functions
Errors and Exception
Handling multiple exceptions
Module-5: Network Programming, Multi-threading, and GUI Programming
Modules used in Python
Python Boto ec2 module
MySQL DB access
Network programming
GUI programming